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Nominations Open for Staff Awards and Scholarship

Staff at UNCG can now apply for or nominate someone for the Staff Excellence Award, the Ezekiel Robinson Emeritus Award, and the Staff Senate Scholarship. The post Nominations Open for Staff Awards and Scholarship appeared first on UNC Greensboro.

This prestigious award honors retiring staff members who have demonstrated a long, distinguished record of service, dedication, and leadership to UNCG.

To be eligible, the nominee must have retired from UNCG with at least ten years of full-time service in SHRA or EHRA Non-Faculty roles; have a distinguished record of meritorious service, as evidenced in nomination forms, personnel files, and performance records; no active disciplinary action or unacceptable personal conduct within five years before retirement. They must be nominated by a current employee, faculty member, administrator, student, or member of the Board of Trustees.

Evaluation Areas:

  • Service
  • Impact
  • Leadership
  • Professionalism
  • Legacy

Nominations are due by February 28.

To nominate, visit the Staff Senate awards page or scan the QR code found here.

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