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UNCG Police Station
Located on Gate City Blvd. as part of Spartan Village Phase II the new facility is state-of-the-art.
Campus police offer safety classes, coordinate with the LiveSafe app, and participate in SOAR, campus move-in, and other student activities.
UNCG Police protect property as well as faculty, staff, and students.
Located on Gate City Blvd. as part of Spartan Village Phase II the new facility is state-of-the-art.
The department has over 20 different sworn officers and 2 canines here just to keep UNCG students safe on campus.

They have an escorting program that allows students to ask for a police escort, night and day. They also offer Run, Hide, Fight training, self defense classes, and many more resources to students, faculty, and staff. UNCG partners with the Spartan Safe app. It’s basically like Find My Friends, a location app, but is connected with the UNCG PD as well. A Spartan Safe tile can be found on your UNCG Mobile app.

About the UNCG Police Department

Our Mission

To provide proactive, professional law enforcement services to the community in support of the University’s mission.

Our Values

  • Integrity – We are honest and ethical in our personal and professional lives.
  • Compassion – We have compassion for those we serve and for each other.
  • Fairness – Our actions are free from favoritism or bias, respecting the dignity and worth of every person.
  • Accountability – We expect to be held responsible for our actions and responsibilities by the public and our fellow employees.
  • Excellence – What we do everyday will demonstrate our commitment to performing at our very best.

Our Vision

To be the leading campus law enforcement agency in the nation.

Role, Authority, Jurisdiction and Training

All UNCG police officers are commissioned under the North Carolina General Statutes 115D-21.1 and 116.40.5. UNCG police officers have the full range of police authorities granted to municipal law enforcement officers. UNCG officers receive the same level of training as county and municipal officers. As sworn law enforcement officers, members of UNCG Police are authorized to carry firearms, and under North Carolina law, have the power to make arrests and conduct investigations for crimes that occur on the property owned or under the control of the university. In addition, a jurisdiction extension agreement, with the City of Greensboro, gives the UNCG Police jurisdiction throughout the city. The agreement states that the Greensboro and UNCG Police Department will work homicide investigations jointly with the city police taking the lead; all other criminal offenses will be investigated by UNCG Police.

Working Relationship with Local, State, and Federal Law Enforcement Agencies

The UNCG Police maintains a cooperative relationship with surrounding law enforcement agencies. This includes intraoperative radio capabilities, sharing of police database records, training programs, special events coordination, critical incident response, and investigation of serious incidents. UNCG Police also participates in cooperative and mutual aid agreements with several agencies including Greensboro Police Department and Guilford Metro 911. These agreements authorize police officers and supervisors of the participating agencies to request cooperative or mutual aid support for incidents that require additional resources. The agreements also allow for joint training and cooperation on other matters of shared interest.

Commission on the Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA)

The Law Enforcement Accreditation Program was the first credentialing program established by CALEA after its founding. It was originally developed to address what was seen as a need to enhance law enforcement as a profession and to improve law enforcement service delivery. That mission continues today through a tiered law enforcement accreditation program. Agencies may participate in either CALEA Law Enforcement Accreditation (Tier 1) or CALEA Advanced Law Enforcement Accreditation (Tier 2), without regard to agency size.

Crimes Involving Student Organizations at Off-Campus Locations

UNCG relies on its close working relationships with local law enforcement agencies to receive information about incidents involving student organizations, on and off campus. In coordination with local law enforcement agencies, the UNCG Police will actively investigate certain crimes occurring on or near campus. If the UNCG Police learns of criminal activity involving students or student organizations, it will coordinate with the appropriate external law enforcement agency to forward information about the situation to the Dean of Students Office, as appropriate. The university requires all recognized student organizations to comply with federal, state, and local laws, and UNCG policies. UNCG may become involved in the off campus conduct of recognized student organizations when such conduct is determined to affect the interests of the university.

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1200 W Gate City Blvd, Greensboro, NC 27402, USA