In 2020, a shy student with aspirations for nursing arrived at UNC Greensboro under the threat of a global pandemic. Four years later, Kaitlyn Shelton will leave with a public health education degree, lifelong friends and leadership skills she found in campus organizations, and a drive to impact health education in her rural hometown.
Second Generation Spartan

It all started 27 years ago when Shelton’s parents graduated from UNCG.
“My parents were the first in their families to go to college and they met at the Bryan School,” Shelton says.
They got married and settled in Madison, North Carolina, where Shelton grew up. She was interested in nursing when she was in high school, so UNCG was a natural fit.
“UNCG is small enough to be able to get around quickly and make connections easily, but big enough to see new people every day,” Shelton says. “The supportive staff stood out to me when I visited and have been so helpful to me, especially when I changed my major.”
Finding Her Way
Life as a Spartan wasn’t always easy for Shelton. Social connections were difficult to make during the COVID restrictions of her first year at UNCG, and engaging in her classes was challenging.
“After second semester, I wasn’t having a good time,” she explains. “I wasn’t getting along with my roommate, and my grandma passed away unexpectedly in March. I considered dropping out and began to question my major.”
But instead of giving up, Shelton returned to campus for her second year and opened her mind to new possibilities. “I just started putting myself out there more. I went to Spartan Well-Being events just for something to do. I started study groups with classmates, and I joined everything,” she says. “I pledged Tri Sigma. I started playing club softball. I applied for a job with Recreation & Wellness (RecWell). Literally anything and everything I could do to meet people and boost my mood.”
She also started working as a Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA), which opened her mind to other careers in the healthcare industry. Shelton began to realize that the clinical side of nursing wasn’t as fulfilling to her as helping patients find resources they needed.
At the end of her second year, she changed her major to public health education and everything fell into place. “The staff at the School of Health and Human Sciences was so helpful, and I’ve never looked back,” Shelton says. “Once I found classes that interested me, my grades improved. I loved my health education classes and decided to add a nutrition minor.”
I’m a people’s servant.
It’s what drives me.
UNCG gave me the
support and community
to find my purpose.
– Kaitlyn Shelton,
UNCG Class of 2024
Complimentary Extracurriculars
Shelton’s decision to get involved in campus organizations built her confidence and generally made her life full at UNCG. She appreciates the connections she’s made in the public health education department, campus organizations, and through her job at the Kaplan Center for Wellness.
In Shelton’s two years working as a member services assistant, she was afforded opportunities to show initiative in a health education-related position. “I’ve been promoted several times and completed a leadership program through RecWell,” she says. “When it came time to transition to a supervisory role, I had no problem with the transition.”
In addition, UNCG’s PATCH club (Prepping Advancement to Careers in Healthcare) gave Shelton access to guest speakers who shared their healthcare experience and resume advice, but she found her most fulfilling experiences within Greek life as a member of Tri Sigma sorority. Shelton is currently the Vice President of Operations and Director of Chapter Finance, which tops a list of positions she’s held in the chapter since she joined.
“I’ve considered being an advisor and working with the national organization when I graduate,” she says. “That’s how much of an impact it’s had on me – not just Tri Sigma, but Greek life in general. I was pleased to find how close-knit the Greek community is at UNCG.” She’s enjoyed volunteering with philanthropic initiatives and broadening her connections on campus through Greek life.
“Making friends at UNCG as an adult somehow came easier to me than when I was younger. I remember having only two friends in my chemistry class and finally asking them to have lunch at the caf’ with me. One was a Tri Sigma who invited me to an event, and the rest is history. Recently, we did a ‘Senior Send-Off’ in the sorority. I’ll never forget some of the things my fellow members said about me. It’s amazing to realize how others perceive you.”

Shelton’s Springboard for Service
Today, Shelton looks ahead to graduation and becoming a community nutrition health educator. She also plans to use her Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certification for patient care experience, so she can eventually apply to physician assistant master’s programs. But in the short term, she has her heart set on serving the community she grew up in.
“I would like to work with government programs like WIC (Women, Infant and Children) or SNAP-Ed (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education) back in my hometown,” she explains. “Madison is a very rural community in Rockingham County, and we don’t get a lot of resources. I like living out in the country and helping the people there.”
Just this semester, she volunteered for Hurricane Helene relief at a medical clinic and donation center in the Asheville area. The experience deepened her calling to help rural communities in North Carolina. It was just one of many opportunities she found at UNCG that has led her back home to serve her community.
“I’m a people’s servant. It’s what drives me,” Shelton admits. “UNCG gave me the support and community to find my purpose.”
Story by Becky Deakins, University Communications.
Photos by Sean Norona, University Communications.
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