From Chancellor Gilliam:
The University is at a critical stage in our history – with challenges and opportunities. This year, we will be looking for four senior leaders – Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Dean of the Bryan School of Business and Economics, and Dean of the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering. We will be working with our partners at Isaacson, Miller (IM) on the Provost search and dean searches for the College of Arts and Sciences and the Bryan School of Business and Economics. In collaboration with NC A&T, we will be working with our partners at WittKieffer on the dean search for the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering.
Choosing the right academic leaders to help guide UNCG’s next era is vitally important. To advise me on the Provost search, I’ve asked Professor Robert Strack to chair the search committee. Bob is a trusted campus leader (department head, Faculty Senator) and accomplished scholar. He has always been direct and honest and is committed to our students and our mission. In configuring this committee, I wanted a broad array of perspectives included, but they all share similar qualities – thoughtfulness, university-wide perspective, judgment and discretion, and dedication to this university we love.
I thank them for their service.
Provost Search Committee:
- Chair: Robert Strack, Professor and Department Chair, Public Health, Health and Human Sciences
- Martin Andersen, Associate Professor, Economics, Bryan School of Business and Economics
- Terry Chavis, President, UNCG Graduate Student Association; PhD candidate, Educational Studies
- Sarah Daynes, Vice Provost and Professor, Sociology, College of Arts and Sciences
- Lindsay Draper, Associate Professor, Professional Track and Director of Faculty Credentialing, Compliance, & Special Initiatives, School of Nursing
- Randy Elder, Head and FORVIS Mazars Professor, Accounting and Finance, Bryan School of Business and Economics
- Amber Fairchild, President, Student Government Association; Biology 2026
- Maura Heyn, Professor, Classical Studies; Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
- Andrea Hunter, Professor, Human Development and Family Studies, Health and Human Sciences; Chancellor’s Fellow
- Susan Letvak, Eloise R. Lewis Excellence Professor and Director, PhD Program, Professional Nursing Education, School of Nursing
- Tina McEntire, Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management
- Ryan Milligan, Associate Director, Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary Education; immediate past chair, Staff Senate
- Rachel Olsen, Associate Professor and Social Sciences Librarian, University Libraries
- Sherine Obare, Vice Chancellor for Research and Engagement
- Randy Penfield, Dean, School of Education
- Barbara Campbell Thomas, Professor and Director, School of Art, College of Visual and Performing Arts
- Eric Willie, Professor, Percussion Studies, School of Music, College of Visual and Performing Arts
- Waiyi Tse, Chief of Staff, Chancellor’s Office (ex-officio)
Dean Search Committees
Likewise, we wanted strong decanal leadership to lead the dean searches. We asked Debra Barksdale, Dean of the School of Nursing, to lead the College of Arts and Sciences search; and Carl Mattacola, Dean of the School of Health and Human Sciences, to lead the Bryan School of Business and Economics search. Over the years, Deans Barksdale and Mattacola have been trusted advisors. They are joined by smart and dedicated faculty, staff, and students on these committees.
We are working closely with our colleagues at NC A&T on the search for the next dean of the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering. Both schools will be well represented on this committee. Graduate School Dean Greg Bell consistently demonstrates exceptional leadership and will be joined by exceptional UNCG and NC A&T faculty and staff on this search. His co-chair for this committee will be Dean of the College of Engineering at NC A&T, Dr. Stephanie Luster-Teasley Pass.
College of Arts and Sciences Dean Search Committee:
- Chair: Debra Barksdale, Dean, School of Nursing
- Kevin Wells, Senior Lecturer, Media Studies, College of Arts and Sciences
- Julie Mendez Smith, Professor, Psychology, College of Arts and Sciences
- Shelly Brown-Jeffy, Associate Professor, Sociology, College of Arts and Sciences
- Nicholas Oberlies, Patricia A. Sullivan Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Graduate Director (MS and PhD), College of Arts and Sciences
- Torren Gatson, Assistant Professor, History, College of Arts and Sciences
- Jessica McCall, Principal Lecturer, Communication Studies, College of Arts and Sciences
- Heather Gert, Assistant Professor and Department Head, Philosophy, College of Arts and Sciences
- Gregory McAvoy, Professor and Department Head, Political Science, College of Arts and Sciences
- Laurie Wideman Gold, Safrit-Ennis Distinguished Professor, Kinesiology, School of Health and Human Sciences
- Ethan Divon, Undergraduate Student, Classical Studies
- Jasmin Douglas, Graduate Student, Sociology
Bryan School of Business and Economics Dean Search Committee:
- Chair: Carl Mattacola, Dean, School of Health and Human Sciences
- David Wyrick, Professor, Public Health Education and Director, Innovate UNCG
- Carletta Simmons, Senior Director of Development, Bryan School of Business and Economics
- Lakshmi Iyer, Professor and Department Head, Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, Bryan School of Business and Economics
- Merlyn Griffiths, Associate Professor and Department Head, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, Bryan School of Business and Economics
- Melanie Carrico, Associate Professor, Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, Bryan School of Business and Economics
- William Brown, Associate Dean, Bryan School of Business and Economics
- Megan Walters, Director of UNCG Career & Professional Development
- Moses Acquaah, Professor and Director, Business Administration PhD Program, Bryan School of Business, and Economics
- Channelle James, Lecturer, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality & Tourism, Bryan School of Business and Economics
- Jeremy Bray, Jefferson-Pilot Excellence Professor, Economics, Bryan School of Business and Economics
- Kathy Meza-Herrera, Undergraduate Student, International Business
Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering Dean Search Committee:
- Co-Chair: Greg Bell, Dean, Graduate School, UNCG
- Co-Chair: Stephanie Luster-Teasley Pass, Dean, College of Engineering, NCATSU
- Shyam Aravamudhan, Professor and Director, JSIRT, JSNN, NCATSU
- Bryan McLean, Assistant Professor, Biology, UNCG
- Kristen Dellinger, Assistant Professor, Nanoengineering, JSNN, NCATSU
- Jerri Price, Business Officer, JSNN
- Jerald Dumas, Associate Professor, Nanoengineering, JSNN, NCATSU
- Eric Josephs, Assistant Professor, Nanoscience, JSNN, UNCG
- Karen Courtney, Executive Assistant, JSNN, NCATSU
- Jiajun Wei, Professor, Nanoscience, JSNN, UNCG